Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New England Restaurant Rater

This page has been created because i feel that its important for all of us to know which restaurants are up to par and the ones who are excellent in their own right. We will use the three star method to evaluate and compare each restaurant respectively. It is important that companies in the food service industry comply with customer satisfaction, cleanliness, and great food quality. For someone of you the old burger is the new way of getting your quick urge to satisfy your hunger or maybe the diet freak inside you who wants to let others know what really is healthy or even the fancy taste that many of us might be able to afford every so often. In addition to my review "comments from those who read this blog are welcome" because we all experience different outcomes in our trips to this multi-billion dollar industry. Although I fear that we treat it like a dollar menu at times without interest or fan fare. I say lets stop this method of madness and increase our awareness for those who live in my state to those who live in other states with great eating establishment who are known or who may not be known for their signature dish or style.

The first portion of this blog will show fast food and the differences in taste, quality, and customer service. I personally will have 5-10 people venturing out and reporting on their experiences in these areas. This will allow both a demographic and culturally diverse playing field for our rating. This will show that maybe it doesnt matter where that burger establishment is located? or that it does make an impact on quality, service, and cleanliness depending on the locale or even the time of year. Stats will be posted as much as possible and new restaurants will be reviewed upon request from readers like you for us to establish a concensus on a new craze or a re-discovered famous place.

The second portion of this edition will include fancy to famous branded restaurants in the New England area. From highs to lows we will visit each and compare and contrast between what pizza might be like in New Haven vs New York city. Or maybe just visit a place because its talked about but not advertised as much. Lets give credit where its supposed to be given and let me be your free guide to a better meal.

A message to all establishments in the area good luck and let the games begin.

Stay tuned for our real world look and our first edition of this innovative new Raters Guide to Restaurants by yours truly Emiliano Arroyo Jr World renown Chef and writer.

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